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Christopher Russell Meeting

So many meetings. In honor of the career of UCLA’s Christopher Russell, there will be a conference at his institution: C. T. Russell is of note here: he was a project scientist- the lead scientist- on the Dawn mission,… Read More »Christopher Russell Meeting

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

First installment, COSPAR 2024 highlights (per my blogger’s prerogative) (see Finalprogram-2024.pdf) B0.2 Instrumentation for Planetary ExplorationMain Organizer: Dirri, Fabrizio Deputy: Shanmugam, M. B0.2-0001-24 09:00 (solicited) Planetary Missions of India: Instruments Review and Science. Bhardwaj, AnilB0.2-0002-24 09:20 (solicited) Development status of… Read More »2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

TNO2024 meeting

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I let this one slip by, apologies. The TNO 2024 meeting happened this June 24-28, in Taipei, Taiwan. There’s a definite but vague link between literal asteroids and Transneptunian objects. That, and I didn’t go to Taiwan. Not even close.… Read More »TNO2024 meeting

Note, Paper: Space, …aero

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I don’t post much about Aerospace, a relatively new journal. It’s clear that space is second, aero (i. e., Bernoulli’s Law, not Tsiolkovskiy’s) is first. Still, there’s some space content: Aerospace vol. 11 #6, JunFarina, D. Machrafi, H. Queeckers, P.… Read More »Note, Paper: Space, …aero

Note, Paper: E-Ticket!

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JUICE is running, Europa Clipper is built and in checkout for launch this year… and the small-body community is onboard. Space Science Reviews- no lightweights- had been running a “collection” (articles aligned in theme, but not date like in the… Read More »Note, Paper: E-Ticket!