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NESF meeting 2024

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I missed this one, but it wasn’t all that substantive. NASA held its NESF (NASA Exploration Science Forum) in St. Louis, last week (Jul 23-25). In the NASA context, ‘exploration’ intimates human exploration. It doesn’t intimate e. g., sample return,… Read More »NESF meeting 2024

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan

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Coming: the 45th Committee on Space Research assembly (, in Busan, Korea. I don’t follow this one much because “space research” is so general, it covers pretty much anything one feels like submitting. Not a favorable signal-to-noise, not an efficient use… Read More »2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan

TNO2024 meeting

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I let this one slip by, apologies. The TNO 2024 meeting happened this June 24-28, in Taipei, Taiwan. There’s a definite but vague link between literal asteroids and Transneptunian objects. That, and I didn’t go to Taiwan. Not even close.… Read More »TNO2024 meeting

SBAG, Summer 2024 day 2

Summer means a Summer meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG, Now, my recap of Day 2. (see Day 1) – An update of DESTINY+, JAXA’s mission to rock comet (3200) Phaethon. Yes, a rock comet. Ground observations… Read More »SBAG, Summer 2024 day 2

…SBAG near…

Just a reminder: This week is SBAG mid-2024, the biannual NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group meeting. It’s this Thursday and Friday, virtual: Want a teaser? This is not to be missed, certainly not by me.