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Note, Paper: Acta Ad aster

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In the Oct. (vol. 223) issue of Acta Astronautica: Kusumoto, T. Yasuda, S. Sugawara, Y. et al. Performance evaluation of rebound damping of targe… p. 36  .06.042Cottiga, S. Caruso, M. Gallina, P. et al. Proprioceptive swarms for celestial body explorationp. 159  .07.001Mitchell,… Read More »Note, Paper: Acta Ad aster

Tartu Microsatellites workshop

I know, I know, yet another meeting… apparently we’re making up for the pandemic. But the Tartu Microsatellites Workshop (“Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research”) is imminent (this Saturday to next Friday): This workshop starts with… Read More »Tartu Microsatellites workshop

IEEE Remote Sensing Meeting

The 2024 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) meeting on Geoscience and Remote Sensing was held last week. Not to dwell too much (mostly terrestrial), my take: Sun, 7 Jul: Tutorial, HD-9: Mapping minerals with space-based imaging spectroscopy What… Read More »IEEE Remote Sensing Meeting