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Tartu Microsatellites workshop

I know, I know, yet another meeting… apparently we’re making up for the pandemic. But the Tartu Microsatellites Workshop (“Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research”) is imminent (this Saturday to next Friday): This workshop starts with… Read More »Tartu Microsatellites workshop

Rubin ToO Meeting- Report

Catching up, soooo many meetings. This spring was the Vera Rubin Observatory Targets of Opportunity Workshop. It had been identified and noted years ago that VRO has a survey cadence, to find interesting targets in the sky, catalog them outright,… Read More »Rubin ToO Meeting- Report

ANote, Paper: A&a

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Wow, good Astronomy and Astrophysics this month (“July,” vol. 687). Carry, B. Peloton, J. Le Montagner, R. et al. Combined spin orientation and phase function of … A38 202449789 Woitke, P. Drążkowska, J. Lammer, H. et al. CAI formation in the early Solar… Read More »ANote, Paper: A&a

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

First installment, COSPAR 2024 highlights (per my blogger’s prerogative) (see Finalprogram-2024.pdf) B0.2 Instrumentation for Planetary ExplorationMain Organizer: Dirri, Fabrizio Deputy: Shanmugam, M. B0.2-0001-24 09:00 (solicited) Planetary Missions of India: Instruments Review and Science. Bhardwaj, AnilB0.2-0002-24 09:20 (solicited) Development status of… Read More »2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan

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Coming: the 45th Committee on Space Research assembly (, in Busan, Korea. I don’t follow this one much because “space research” is so general, it covers pretty much anything one feels like submitting. Not a favorable signal-to-noise, not an efficient use… Read More »2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan

TNO2024 meeting

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I let this one slip by, apologies. The TNO 2024 meeting happened this June 24-28, in Taipei, Taiwan. There’s a definite but vague link between literal asteroids and Transneptunian objects. That, and I didn’t go to Taiwan. Not even close.… Read More »TNO2024 meeting