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Note, Paper: Big Aaa Issue

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It’s Sep 30, and Astronomy & Astrophysics still says “in progress.” Let’s hope that’s just bad copyediting on the part of the journal staff. From vol. 689 (September 2024), at least a big one: M. Lippi, L. Ferellec, C. Opitom,… Read More »Note, Paper: Big Aaa Issue

Note, Paper: Acta Ad aster

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In the Oct. (vol. 223) issue of Acta Astronautica: Kusumoto, T. Yasuda, S. Sugawara, Y. et al. Performance evaluation of rebound damping of targe… p. 36  .06.042Cottiga, S. Caruso, M. Gallina, P. et al. Proprioceptive swarms for celestial body explorationp. 159  .07.001Mitchell,… Read More »Note, Paper: Acta Ad aster

Note, Paper: Nature AWESOMY

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Is something happening at Nature Group, something positive? Three days, four items in NatAstronomy: Pilorget, C. Baklouti, D. Bibring, J.-P. et al.  25 September 2024 Phosphorus-rich grains in Ryugu samples with major biochemical potential  s41550-024-02366-w Bennu (via the OSIRIS-REx sample)… Read More »Note, Paper: Nature AWESOMY

No Paper: PSS

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Nothing of note- or much at all- in 1 Oct.’s Planetary and Space Science (vol. 250). Don’t worry, there appears something in the pipe for 15 Oct. Why’d they bother with half-month “issues” if it’s all digital anyway?