Before we get to LPSC, there’s a German conference coming up soon: (deep breath) Towards New Frontiers: The Astrochemical Journey from Young Stellar Nurseries to Exoplanets, in Garching, next week. Yes, this is relevant as comets, (most) asteroids, and transition objects are remnants of these chemical repositories, while planets (which have been heated and differentiated) are not. The program:
MONDAY 10 MARCH (13:45-17:30)
The Distribution of Complex Organic Molecules in Barnard 5 – Tadeus Carl
How Chemical Complexity Flourishes on Dust Grains: CH3SH Formation in Cold Molecular Clouds – Franciele Kruczkiewicz
A study of the 13C and 15N fractionation in low-mass starless cores – Sigurd Jensen
TUESDAY, 11 MARCH (9:00 – 18:00)
From icy cocktails to hot rocks: JWST’s constraints on planetary building blocks – Melissa McClure
Toward the detection of the sulphur reservoir(s) in the JWST era ? – Angele Taillard
From clouds to comets: Tracing the molecular journey of interstellar ices with JWST – Katerina Slavicinska
The ALMA-FAUST revolution: Hunting large-grains factories in protostellar outflow cavities – Giovanni Sabatini
The [D/H] abundance derived from protostellar outflows across the Galactic disk measured with JWST – Logan Francis
Molecular richness in protostars: a paradise for astrochemists – Ana López-Sepulcre
The Pathway to Prebiotic Chemistry: molecular precursors from space – Victor Rivilla
WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH (9:00 – 16:15)
Towards new frontiers through the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade (WSU) – Anna Miotello
Molecular evolution throughout planetary system formation: from molecular clouds to comets – Álvaro López-Gallifa
Origin and fate of interstellar S-bearing molecules: insights from observations and experiments – Julia Santos
Understanding JWST results: What thermochemical models tell us about the cold H2O content in disks – Marissa Vlasblom
THURSDAY, 13 MARCH (9:00 – 18:00)
Constraining the physics of protoplanetary disks within Earth-like orbits: The warm molecular disk – Cade Bürgy
Chemical Characterisation of Solar System Bodies through in-situ Space Probes – Nozair Khawaja
The chemical diversity of chondrules from their formation in protoplanetary envelopes – Ali-Dib Mohamad
Experimental ice simulations for the interpretation of ice and organics observations in the Solar System – Guillermo Muñoz Caro
Adsorption of water on olivine and the origin of Earth’s water – Luca Vattuone
FRIDAY, 14 MARCH (9:00 – 14:30)
An Organic Deuteration Survey of Starless Cores – Hanga Andras-Letanovszky
Deuteration of carbon chains in the prestellar core L1544 – Katharina Giers
Spatial distribution of phosphorus carriers in galactic and extragalactic star-forming regions – David Haasler
A deep-dive into Raman spectra of lab-produced insoluble organic matter – Adibah Nur Zainol Abidin