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International Meteor Conference 2024

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Quickly: this October will be the 43rd International Meteor Conference, by the IMO:

Meteor showers are the phenomena we see when many bits enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. Those bits are the coarser particles shed in the tails of comets… except when they’re not. Active asteroids are those asteroids that also shed bits, though to a lesser extent than a (perceived notion of a) comet. The Geminid meteor shower, one of the most active we see, actually comes from parent body (3200) Phaethon, an asteroid with a low perihelion and, thus, repeated close passes by the Sun. The parent of the Quadrantid shower appears to be asteroid (2003) EH1. And then there’s the Delta Aquariid meteor shower, which peaks in July and August. Its parent comet, 96P/Machholz, shows signs of being some astero-comet or comsteroid. It may be an asteroid that, like Phaethon, just comes really, really close to the Sun and is sizzling itself away (gradually).

The Solar System, and the Cosmos in general, does not fit neatly into our notions just because we had notions. The Cosmos does what it pleases, before we were here, and it will continue to do so whether we can fit it neatly into our understanding or not. The Japanese DESTINY+ mission to Phaethon may stretch our minds… but that could be in the form of raising as many questions as it answers.

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