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Home » Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 2)

Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 2)

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Victor Goldschmidt, the geochemist, was serious. Goldschmidt, the geochemistry conference, is 70+ years more serious:

Ryugu and Bennu, as unaltered, early-Solar-System specimens in hand, tell us of our own history:

The Origin and Deep Cycles of Life-essential Volatile Elements on Earth and Rocky Planets,  R. Dasgupta
“constraints on the chemistry of dissolution, solubility, and partitioning of LEVEs (C, H, N, and S)”

Electrostatic forces drive the formation of nanostructured hydroxide films on mica,  Benjamin Legg
“to track the growth metal-hydroxide films (gibbsite, brucite, etc…) at the mica-water interface.”

Effects of surface heterogeneity on Rb+ sorption at the quartz (101)–water interface,  Peng Yang
“the reactivity of mineral–water interfaces toward nutrients and metals.”


Potassium isotopic anomalies constrain the source of Moderately Volatile Elements of Ryugu,  Y. Zhang
Metal – Forsterite Nodules and the H-L-LL Trend: Clues in Bennu!  Denton S. Ebel
Initial and advanced description of Bennu samples in JAXA curation,   Ryota Fukai
Iron isotope anomalies in carbonaceous achondrites: In search for CI-like differentiated planetesimals,  Eric Siciliano Rego
Ureilite meteorites: Our only extensive sample suite from the mantle of a dwarf planet,  A. Tomkins

Origin and evolution of Earth’s water inventory,  T. Mark Harrison
“deficient during initial formation, with late delivery coming from the outer solar system via planetesimals or pebble”

Reflectance spectroscopy (0.250–2.500 µm) of an unsorted particulate sample from asteroid (101955) Bennu,  Edward Cloutis
“Four particles nearly filled our instruments’ field of view and are considered as representatives”

X-Ray Computed Tomography of Samples from Asteroid Bennu: Textural Analysis and Sulfide Segmentation for Lithology Characterization,  Melissa K. Kontogiannis
“analysis is particularly relevant in comparing laboratory characterization with remote sensing”

Bulk Elemental Composition of Aggregate Material from Asteroid Bennu,  Piers Koefoed
“two further mission hypotheses [ … ] can be directly tested by bulk elemental analyses.”

Trace element and isotopic evidence for Bennu’s primitive provenance,  Greg Brennecka
“formed in a similar region of the Solar System as CI chondrites and potentially at a similar time”

The nucleosynthetic heritage of Bennu,  Maria Schönbächler
“they provide evidence for the formation of meteorite parent bodies from”

Small-scale Ti isotopic heterogeneity in Ryugu samples influenced by parent-body aqueous alteration,  Tetsuya Yokoyama
“Ryugu samples with masses <25 mg showed a variation”

STXM studies of samples from Asteroid Bennu,  Matthew A. Marcus
“results help us understand the minerals and organics of Bennu in the context of other aqueous”

Presolar and Interstellar Carbonaceous Matter in Asteroid Bennu,  Pierre Haenecour
“might have contributed to ingredients that helped life emerge ”

Volatile compound capture and characterization during curation of the OSIRIS-REx sample from asteroid Bennu,  Heather V. Graham
“unique opportunity to measure volatile species in material unaltered by direct exposure to Earth”

Extraterrestrial amino acids and related chemical precursors in a sample returned from asteroid (101955) Bennu,  Daniel P. Glavin
“unique amino acid and amine distributions of Bennu may reflect a novel asteroidal”

Nucleobases and other N-heterocycles in samples returned from asteroid (101955) Bennu,  Y. Oba
“organic molecules, such as nucleobases, that could have contributed to the emergence of life”

… still more …

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