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Home » Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 1)

Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 1)

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I know, I know, another meeting. But… it’s Goldschmidt time again!

The 2024 Goldschmidt conference (in Chicago) is named for Victor Goldschmidt- not just the eminent professor of geochemistry, but one of the very founders of that field. In particular, Goldschmidt’s work on meteorites (in relation to the Earth’s chemistry) is pivotal. All who speak of meteorites (well, not the basic cable channels) speak in language that comes to us through V. Goldschmidt. Our very understanding of the makeup of the new Earth from dust and gas in space, came to us through Goldschmidt. In fact, I’d say that anyone who doesn’t speak of chemistry/formation without having read (directly or indirectly) Goldschmidt’s words doesn’t speak our language.

…but I digress. The Meeting (now in progress):

Monday, 19 August 2024 

Developments in the chronology of aqueous alteration in the era of sample return missions, Kaitlyn A McCain et al.
“JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission returned 5.4 g of aqueously altered CI-like material…”

Nanoscale characterization of carbonaceous materials in asteroid Ryugu regolith samples returned by Hayabusa2, Bradley T. De Gregorio et al.
“Asteroid regolith and comet coma dust are pristine samples of extraterrestrial materials that provide information …”


Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of the IIG Iron Meteorites, Emily Chiappe
Effects of Saharan Weathering on Highly Siderophile Elements in Ordinary Chondrites, Kiran S Almas
SIMS Oxygen 3-Isotope Analyses of Particles in Bulbous Aerogel Tracks of Comet 81P/Wild 2, Noriko Kita
Identification of Presolar SiC Grains Separated from Aguas Zarcas, Julie M. Korsmeyer

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The sources of Earth’s volatiles: Many ideas, little consensus, Conel M. O’D. Alexander
“ideas for how, when and in what the Earth accreted its volatiles are almost as numerous as the…”

“Constraining the origin of Earth’s building blocks requires knowledge of the…”

Accretion of the earliest inner solar system planetesimals beyond the water-snowline, Damanveer S Grewal
“This points towards the accretion of the first NC planetesimals at or beyond the water-snowline…”

Tungsten and other Siderophiles in Iron-Nickel Metal in Enstatite Chondrites, Richard D Ash
“…have been used to infer characteristics of terrestrial building blocks and the early history of the Earth”

On the challenges of tracing the origin of nitrogen on Earth, Moon, and Mars – S. Epstein Science Innovation Medal Lecture, Evelyn Füri
“the origin of these ‘volatiles’ on the terrestrial planets remains debated.”

Meteorite outgassing experiments as a tool for linking the atmospheric and bulk compositions of rocky planets. , Myriam Telus
“outgassing experiments provide unique insight into how planetary building blocks influence the…”

Rb-Sr Systematics of Erg Chech 002 Constrain the Volatile Element Accretion History of Early Planetesimals, Robert William Nicklas
“Sr ratios of achondrite groups can be used to constrain the condensation of moderately volatile elements in early …”

Magmatic Heavy Noble Gases in Ancient Anorthosites, Samuel Patzkowsky
“mantle noble gas isotope composition has evolved from an initial, primordial source to …”


A sulfur isotope dichotomy: insights from iron meteorites, Elizabeth Heiny
High precision sulfur isotopes in chondrites, Margot Debruycker
Diffusion in Allende Components: Delineating Parent-Body Processes in Fractured Olivines, Neil Van Kanegan
Parts-per-billion Trace Volatile Element Detection in Planetary Anhydrous Minerals by Nano-scale NMR Spectroscopy, Renbiao Tao

… more …

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