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Home » …and its adjunct Planetary Sci/Exploration meet

…and its adjunct Planetary Sci/Exploration meet

Related to the COSPAR meeting going on at this moment: there’s an adjunct, research-focused meeting immediately afterward. The first PSSE (Planetary Science and Space Exploration) meeting was held near Busan, Korea, in Daejeon:

Let’s not brush off a tiger. The man on the street may never have heard of any Korean space program (save for DPRK warmongering). But that doesn’t mean no such thing exists; it means the man on the street is not the person to ask. Have a look at the program, particularly if you resemble that man on the street.

Korea is currently operating the KMTNet telescopes, not intended yet still useful for NEO search. What IS intended for NEO search is the NSOS-α telescope (Near Space Optical Survey- alpha), which, by some measures, may actually exceed the European “Flyeye” (NEOSTEL) effort.

All hands on deck means all hands, American, European, or otherwise.

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