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Home » REBOUND (dynam/mechanics code) meet 2024

REBOUND (dynam/mechanics code) meet 2024

The REBOUND meeting is about to happen:

“will be a fully remote two-day meeting on the N-body integrator REBOUND, a software package that can integrate the motion of particles under the influence of gravity”. The entire field of dynamical astronomy runs on, pretty much, faster computers and better dynamics code. If you’ve been living in the modern world lately, you’ve noticed that fast computers, and code experts, are, pretty much, running the economy. Fewer and fewer lines of astronomy are untouched by numerical attack, whether fully human (analytic) or not (AI/ML), or mixed. Some relevant talks next week:

Monday July 8th: Small body dynamics

Matt Holman, ASSIST
Meg Schwamb, Sorcha: A LSST Solar System Survey Simulator using Rebound and Assist
Sam Lawler, Dynamical classification in the Kuiper Belt using REBOUND
Ihor Kyrylenko, Asteroid pair search using REBOUND
Aaron J. Rosengren, Cislunar Astrodynamics with ASSIST for Lunar Mean Motion Resonances
Julian Turner, On the Capture and Ejection of Parabolic Orbits in the Sun-Jupiter System
Martina Kováčová, Re-examination of the transportation abilities of the 5:2 MMR with Jupiter

Tuesday July 9th: Collisions + fragmentation

Anna Child, Fragmentation
Jason Steffen, Fragmentation
Robert Melikyan, Collresolve: On the fly planet forming collisions in REBOUND
Evgeni Grishin, Long term evolution and collisions of hierarchical triple systems
Tatsuya Akiba, Hungry, Hungry White Dwarfs: Tidal Disruption of Planetesimals from an Eccentric Debris Disk Following a White Dwarf Natal Kick
Annabella Mondino-Llermanos, An implementation of soft-sphere model for MPI-based parallel simulations in the shearing-box approximation: Application to the study of the fine structure in Saturn’s rings

Rock on… or, maybe in silicio, that would be ‘clock on’!

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