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Note, Paper: We Get Letters

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You may have missed two papers because they’re in ApJL- Astrophysics Journal Letters. Not exactly PlanSci Central:

Greenstreet, S. Gladman, B. Jurić, M. Jupiter’s Metastable Companions page L40 ad28c5
Laforet, S. Le Guillou, C. de la Peña, F. et al. Linking Cause and Effect in Nanoscale… L45 ad2b65

Greenstreet et al. is timely, due to the Lucy mission, as well as the coming Vera Rubin Observatory. VRO should unleash, oh, thousands of new trojans, from Earth, through Jupiter, and on to Neptune trojans. And there’s also the new Mars trojan, wait for that post.

Laforet et al. involves Ryugu, sorry the cite cuts it off. As we learned at LPSC, the space weathering of Ryugu, Bennu, etc. is a developing line of investigation.

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