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Note, Paper: en March

The March Icarus (issue creep?), already accessible, is juicy as always:

Grundy, W. M. Wong, I. Glein, C. R. et al. Measurement of D/H and 13C/12C ratios in methane… 115923
Nesvorny, D. Vokrouhlicky, D. Shelly, F. et al. NEOMOD2: An updated model of Near-Earth… 115922
Pou, L. Nimmo, F. Tidal disruption of binaries in asteroid pairs 115919
Sasai, H. Arakawa, M. Yasui, M. et al. Preservation of pristine materials under impact crat… 115929
Wesolowski, M. Ejection of porous dust-ice agglomerates from the surface of the cometary… 115937
Sun, L. Lucey, P. G. Fisher, E. A. Using polarized infrared spectroscopy to characterize surf… 115924


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