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Note, Paper: Elsevier Elsewhere

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Besides Acta Astronautica, other journals within Elsevier have works of some regard:

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 626
Nesvorný, D. Dauphas, N. Vokrouhlický, D. et al. Isotopic trichotomy of main belt asteroids from… 118521

Planetary and Space Science, vol. 236 Special Issue
Ďurišová, S. Toth, J.  Hadjuková, M. Independent identification of meteor showers from the EDMOND… 10.1016/j.pss.2023.105752

Planetary and Space Science, vol. 240
Galushina, T. Yu. Letner, O. N. Shein, A. V. Observations and study of the orbital dynamics of some… 105814
Cox, C. Brisset, J. Partida, A. Asteroid regolith strength: Role of fine-fractions 105829
Burks, M. Friedrich, S. Goldsten, J. et al. Measuring the surface abundance of iron and nickel on the… 105832
Hlobik, F. Toth, J. Orbital evolution and possible parent asteroids of 40 instrumentally observed… 105827

The field of dynamical astronomy– itself tied to computing- has been a wonder for the small-body disciplines. We are now learning- and confirming, via Dawn– that the formative years of the Solar System- and thus, the small bodies, the surviving traces of that era- was dramatic, and dramatically interesting.

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