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Home » 2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 2

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 2

No I didn’t forget. COSPAR (the annual conference, and the org itself) are simply that large. The rest:

B1.1 Small Body Science in a New Generation of Surveys, Observatories, Sample Returns, and Planetary Defense
Organizer: Milam, Stefanie Deputy: Palomba, Ernesto

Centaurs, TNOs, Trojans
Chair: Milam, Stefanie
B1.1-0039-24 09:00 – 09:20 (solicited)
Discoveries in the Field of Trans-Neptunian Objects by the James Webb Space Telescope
Protopapa, Silvia et al. GTO TNO Team p. 451
B1.1-0040-24 09:20 – 09:40 (solicited)
CO & CO2 & H2O, oh my!
Harrington Pinto, Olga et al.
B1.1-0041-24 09:40 – 09:55
JWST observations of Chiron: A unique active Centaur beyond 18 AU
Wong, Ian et al.
B1.1-0042-24 09:55 – 10:10
The Shape and Formation of Arrokoth from New Horizons Observations
Porter, Simon et al. Team: New Horizons Science Team
B1.1-0043-24 10:10 – 10:25
Jovian Trojan Colors: Crystalline Water Ice, Fairy Castles, and Impacts
Lisse, Carey Team: Jovian Trojan Colors Team
TWT-047 B1.1-0055-24
EnVisS: the Entire-Visible-Sky camera for the Comet Interceptor ESA mission
Da Deppo, Vania et al. Team: EnVisS Team
TWT-048 B1.1-0056-24
Mass Determination of the Target Asteroids of the LUCY Mission
Hahn, Matthias et al.
TWT-049 B1.1-0057-24
The introduction of Korea Meteor Monitoring and Observation Network : system overview
Roh, Dong-Goo
TWT-050 B1.1-0058-24
Mathematical model of the origin of dense rings taking into account the gravity and magnetism of Saturn
Tchernyi, Vladimir et al.
TWT-051 B1.1-0059-24
Narziev, Mirhusen et al.
TWT-052 B1.1-0060-24
Space weathering simulation with UV Irradiation – rapid decrease in visible reflectance
Sasaki, Sho et al.
TWT-053 B1.1-0061-24
NSOS-a: Near Space Optical Survey-alpha Telescope
Kim, Myungjin Team: NSOS-a
TWT-054 B1.1-0062-24
Detection of Cometary Activity on Centaur 2014 OG392
Jevcak, Peter et al.

Chair: Wong, Ian
B1.1-0044-24 11:00 – 11:30 (solicited)
The Impact of Ground-Based Surveys on Small Body Science
Holt, Carrie
B1.1-0045-24 11:30 – 11:45
Planetary Science with the SPHEREx 0.7 – 5.0 um Solar System Object Catalog J.M. Bauer, C.M. Lisse, Y. Kim, and
the SPHEREx Solar System Science Working Group
Bauer, James; Lisse, Carey; Kim, Yaeji
B1.1-0046-24 11:45 – 12:00
Science of asteroids with Gaia astrometry and FPR release
Hestroffer, Daniel; Liu, Ziyu; Desmars, Josselin; David, Pedro
B1.1-0047-24 12:00 – 12:15
KASI’s Discoveries of Unusual Solar System Bodies with KMTNet
Jeongahn, Youngmin; Kim, Myungjin; Moon, Hong-Kyu; Choi,
B1.1-0048-24 12:15 – 12:30
The Importance of Gaia Reflectance Spectra in the Study of Asteroid Collisional Families
Galluccio, Laurent et al.

Chair: Harrington Pinto, Olga
B1.1-0049-24 15:00 – 15:15
Unveiling the chemical origins of the Solar System: a statistical comparison of molecular abundances in comets and protoplanetary disks
Lippi, Manuela et al.
B1.1-0053-24 16:00 – 16:15
The composition of the dust particles of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko suggests a pre-accretionary irradiated surface composition
Cottin, Hervé et al.

E1.6 Explosive Phenomena in Transient and Multimessenger Sources and their Observational Manifestations
Organizer: Natalucci, Lorenzo Deputy: Branchesi, Marica
TWT-269 E1.6-0047-24
Chasing after the near-infrared afterglow of gamma-ray bursts with COLIBRI/CAGIRE
Fortin, Francis Team: COLIBRI/CAGIRE team

E1.11 Coevolution between High-redshift Quasars and Galaxies in the Era of JWST
Organizer: Inayoshi, Kohei Deputy: Silverman, John
E1.11-0028-24 10:00 – 10:15
New Frontiers in Quasar Research: Unveiling the Earliest Quasar Populations with Euclid
Yang, Daming et al.

F3.1 Chemical Complexity of Molecular Universe
Organizer: das, Ankan Deputy: Puzzarini, Cristina
F3.1-0022-24 11:30 – 11:50
Noble gas species in space
das, Ankan et al.
F3.1-0026-24 15:30 – 15:50
The Composition of Ice Mantles in Dark Clouds: Stochastic Simulations of Gas-grain Chemistry
Dufour, Gwenaelle
F3.1-0029-24 09:00 – 09:30 (solicited)
Tracking radical reactions on the surface of ice dust analogues to elucidate COMs formation
Ishibashi, Atsuki et al.
F3.1-0030-24 09:30 – 09:50
Photochemistry of amino acids in extraterrestrial environments and applications for low Earth orbit experiments: VUV and mid-UV photoabsorption cross section of thin films of alanine and glycine
Pastore, Juliette et al.

G0.4 Advanced Materials and their Technologies for Space Exploration
Deputy: Anastasiadis, Spiros
G0.4-0002-24 15:15 – 15:30
Study, manufacturing and testing of Ariel’s M1 aluminum mirror and its Flexure Hinges
D’anca, Fabio et al.
G0.4-0006-24 16:15 – 16:30
Morozumi, Seira et al.
G0.4-0008-24 17:15 – 17:30
A large circular solar sail deployment
Kezerashvili, Roman et al.
G0.4-0011-24 18:00 – 18:15
Analysis of Ablative material of thermal protection system for Reentry Capsule
Kim, Dae Yeong et al.

PEDAS.1 A Sustainable Space Exploration: from the Mitigation of Space Debris in Earth’s Orbit to the Safeguard of Planetary Environments
Organizer: Frueh, Carolin Deputy: Pardini, Carmen
PEDAS.1-0008-24 11:30 – 11:45
Multi-color photometry and classfication for multi-platform GEO objects
Zhao, He

B0.1 Planetary Science Highlights
Organizer: Grande, Manuel Deputy: Cable, Morgan
B0.1-0002-24 15:15 – 15:45 (solicited)
Journey to the Kuiper Belt: The Undiscovered Country
McNutt, Ralph et al.
B0.1-0006-24 17:00 – 17:15
Formation of faculae in the form of bright ejecta on the dwarf planet Cere
Czechowski, Leszek
B0.1-0008-24 17:45 – 18:15 (solicited)
The Elemental Puzzle: Insights into Planet Formation from Solar System to Exoplanets
Miguel, Yamila
B0.1-0009-24 18:15 – 18:30
Magnetic Cleanliness of the Psyche Spacecraft
Ream, Jodie et al.

B3.2 New Planetary Science Opportunities and Results Enabled by Commercial Infrastructure and Venture Capital
Organizer: Thomas, David Deputy: Pinault, Lewis
B3.2-0007-24 11:00 – 11:20 (solicited)
Apophis Pathfinder: An innovative Milo Space Science Institute smallsat mission for initial characterization of the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (99942) Apophis
Bell, James; et al.

C5.1-D4.1 Dust Observations in Space and Laboratory Experiments
Organizer: Pavlu, Jiri Deputy: Mann, Ingrid
C5.1-0007-24 11:30 – 11:45
Classification and Characteristics of Six Meteor Head Echo Categories Detected at Jicamarca Radio Observatory
Li, Yanlin et al.
C5.1-0008-24 11:45 – 12:00
Laboratory Investigation of Extra-Terrestrial Dust in the micron-sub-micron range collected by DUSTER in the Upper Stratosphere
Rotundi, Alessandra et al.
C5.1-0010-24 12:15 – 12:30
Higher than Expected Dust Fluxes Recorded by the New Horizons Student Dust Counter in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt at 58 au from the Sun
Doner, Alex et al.
C5.1-0011-24 15:00 – 15:30 (solicited)
Observations of dust particles in the inner heliosphere using radio and plasma wave instruments aboard various spacecraft
Rackovic Babic, Kristina et al.
C5.1-0012-24 15:30 – 15:45
MAVEN has brought us new insights into the dust environment around Mars
Wang, Guangzhou et al.
C5.1-0015-24 16:15 – 16:30
Reflectance of small bodies in Solar System inferred by means of the Umov effect
Zubko, Evgenij; Videt al.

PPP.2 Planetary Protection Mission Implementation and Status
Organizer: Sinibaldi, Silvio Deputy: Groen, Frank
PPP.2-0013-24 15:40 – 16:00
Planetary Protection Status Report in the Outbound Cruising Phase of Hayabusa-2# and New Insights of Carbonaceous Asteroids through Ryugu Sample Analyses
Yano, Hajime et al. Team: Hayabusa-2# Project Team

E0.1 Scientific Commission E Overview Event
Organizer: Papadakis, Iossif Deputy: Ubertini, Pietro
E0.1-0007-24 12:00 – 12:30
The Euclid satellite and its objectives
Bernardeau, Francis

B0.3 Technology for Planetary Exploration
Organizer: Longobardo, Andrea Deputy: Smith, Heather
From asteroids to deep space
Chair: Leckey, John
B0.3-0019-24 17:15 – 17:30
Design Feasibility Study on SmallSat based Asteroid mission focusing on vision
Ju, Gwanghyeok et al.
B0.3-0020-24 17:30 – 17:45
GLGVI Construction for Analyzing Orbit-Attitude Coupled Motions near Small Bodies
Lee, Jinah et al.
B0.3-0021-24 17:45 – 18:00
Outer solar system exploration with a micro-satellite by OPENS-0 mission
Morishita, Takato et al. Team: OPENS concept study team
B0.3-0022-24 18:00 – 18:15
Development of Small-sized Stirling Radioisotope Generator for Deep-space Exploration
Jeong, Yongrok et al.
B0.3-0023-24 18:15 – 18:30
Deep Space Mission Design and Analysis using Small-Small(Small Dedicated Launch Vehicle and Small Satellite) Combinations
Choi, Su-Jin

F3.4 Interstellar Organic Molecules in the Age of JWST and ALMA
Organizer: Garrod, Robin Deputy: Herbst, Eric
F3.4-0009-24 09:00 – 09:30
Behavior of carbon atom on ice
Watanabe, Naoki et al.
F3.4-0011-24 09:50 – 10:10
Chemical structure analysis of cosmic organic dust analogues using high-temperature vacuum temperature programmed desorption
Senoo, Riko et al.
F3.4-0012-24 (WITHDRAWN) 10:10 – 10:30
Accurate Spectroscopic Characterization of Molecules: Seeds for the Chemical Origin of Life
Inostroza, Natalia


B5.3 Ocean Worlds: Past, Present, and Future
Organizer: Cable, Morgan Deputy: Solomonidou, Anezina
TWT-091 B5.3-0012-24
Amino Acid-Mediated Formation of CO2 in Flash-Frozen Ceres Brines
Vu, Tuan et al.

E1.12 Gamma-ray Bursts in the next Decade
Organizer: D’avanzo, Paolo Deputy: Bissaldi, Elisabetta
TWT-237 E1.12-0032-24
Infra-red light curves of GRB afterglows observed at AKO
Guessoum, Nidhal et al.

PE.2 Current Trends, Initiatives And Research In Education And Outreach For Space Sciences
Organizer: Rojas, Gustavo Deputy: Benitez Herrera, Sandra
TWT-345 PE.2-0018-24
Students as Planetary Defenders
Rojas, Gustavo; et al.

PSD.2 Precision Orbit and Attitude Determination of Small Satellites, CubeSats, and Constellation and their Scientific Applications
Organizer: Han, Shin-Chan Deputy: Jäggi, Adrian
TWT-375 PSD.2-0014-24
Atmospheric Turbulence and Ground-Space Laser Propagation: The Concept of CLUB CubeSat
Song, Seok-Min et al.

TGCSS.1 Small Spacecraft – Big Science
Organizer: Baker, Daniel N. Deputy: Chandran, Amal
TWT-387 TGCSS.1-0019-24
Sunho, Choe et al.
TWT-388 TGCSS.1-0020-24
Kwon, Chanearl

B0.1 Planetary Science Highlights
Main Scientific Organizer: Grande, Manuel Deputy: Cable, Morgan
TWT-032 B0.1-0010-24
Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with the terrestrial planets and the Moon
Ipatov, Sergei I.
TWT-033 B0.1-0011-24
BIRDY – Planetary Geodesy of Small Bodies for Exploration or Reconnaissance
Hestroffer, Daniel et al.

B1.1 Small Body Science in a New Generation of Surveys, Observatories, Sample Returns, and Planetary Defense
Organizer: Milam, Stefanie Deputy: Palomba, Ernesto
TWT-048 B1.1-0056-24
Mass Determination of the Target Asteroids of the LUCY Mission
Hahn, Matthias et al.
TWT-049 B1.1-0057-24
The introduction of Korea Meteor Monitoring and Observation Network : system overview
Roh, Dong-Goo
TWT-051 B1.1-0059-24
Narziev, Mirhusen et al.
TWT-052 B1.1-0060-24
Space weathering simulation with UV Irradiation – rapid decrease in visible reflectance
Sasaki, Sho et al.
TWT-053 B1.1-0061-24
NSOS-a: Near Space Optical Survey-alpha Telescope
Kim, Myungjin Team: NSOS-a
TWT-054 B1.1-0062-24
Detection of Cometary Activity on Centaur 2014 OG392
Jevcak, Peter et al.

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