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Home » 2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

2024 COSPAR meeting, Busan- 1

First installment, COSPAR 2024 highlights (per my blogger’s prerogative)

(see Finalprogram-2024.pdf)

B0.2 Instrumentation for Planetary Exploration
Main Organizer: Dirri, Fabrizio Deputy: Shanmugam, M.

B0.2-0001-24 09:00 (solicited) Planetary Missions of India: Instruments Review and Science. Bhardwaj, Anil
B0.2-0002-24 09:20 (solicited) Development status of DESTINY+ onboard cameras for flyby imaging of (3200) Phaethon. Ishibashi, Ko et al.
B0.2-0004-24 09:55 (solicited) The DESTINY+ Dust Analyser (DDA) – characterising the dust environment from Earth to (3200) Phaethon. Simolka, Jonas et al.
B0.2-0005-24 10:15 TASTE mission – a smallaste and miniaturized lander to Deimos. Brucato, John Robert et al.
B0.2-0006-24 11:00 LICIACUBE scientific payloads on ground and in flight characterization and calibration. Della Corte, Vincenzo et al.
B0.2-0007-24 11:15 VISTA payload on-board MILANI CubeSat for HERA Space Mission for the study and characterization of Didymos binary system. Palomba, Ernesto et al.
B0.2-0008-24 11:30 Thermal Infrared Multiband Imager TIRI for Planetary Missions. Okada, Tatsuaki, Hera TIRI Team
B0.2-0013-24 15:15 Compact AOTF-based NIR imaging spectrometers for the exploration of the Solar System. Pilorget, Cedric et al.
B0.2-0014-24 15:30 Demonstration Breadboard of a Miniaturized Single Photon Detection Laser Altimeter for Small Satellite Applications. Althaus, Christian et al.
B0.2-0023-24 18:15 A Lunar Comet/Asteroid Spectroscopy Telescope (LAST) – Automated Operations & Scheduling. Bauer, James et al.

B1.1 Small Body Science in a New Generation of Surveys, Observatories, Sample Returns, and Planetary Defense
Main Scientific Organizer: Milam, Stefanie Deputy Organizer: Palomba, Ernesto

B1.1-0001-24 09:00 (solicited) Two -type asteroids Ryugu and Bennu – context from remote-sensing and telescope observations. Tatsumi, Eri et al.
B1.1-0002-24 09:30 (solicited) What have we learned from C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu? Tachibana, Shogo
B1.1-0003-24 10:00 Organic molecules in carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu. Naraoka, Hiroshi et al, Jason Team: The Hayabusa2-Initial-Analysis SOM and CORE teams
B1.1-0004-24 10:15 A global characterization of pristine Ryugu samples with the NIR hyperspectral microscope MicrOmega within the ISAS Curation Center and perspectives for the Bennu samples. Pilorget, Cedric et al.
81.1-0005-24 11:00 (solicited) Initial Analyses of Asteroid Bennu Samples Returned by the NASA OSIRIS-REx Mission. Parker, Eric et al.
B1.1-0006-24 11:30 Photometry of Ryugu and SC crater as inferred by ONC images. Longobardo, Andrea et al.
B1.1-0007-24 11:50 VIS-NIR spectral analysis of (162173) Ryugu analogues mixtures and carbonaceous chondrites meteorites in preparation to laboratory ion-irradiation experiments. Dirri, Fabrizio et al.
B1.1-0008-24 15:00 (solicited) The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): A Crash Course in Planetary Defense. Rivkin, Andrew et al.
B1.1-0009-24 15:30 The pre-impact search for further Didymos natural satellites using DART and LICIACube image. Bertini, Ivano et al.
B1.1-0022-24 11:00 Characterization of fast moving Potential Hazardous Asteroids. Silha, Jiri et al.
81.1-0023-24 11:30 Joint Optical-Radar Contributions for the Detection of Near-Earth Asteroids from the Southern Hemisphere. Kruzins, Ed et al.
B1.1-0024-24 11:50 Improving YORP Effect Estimates for Small Bodies with Surface Data. Baker, Dahlia et al.
B1.1-0025-24 12:10 The TRANSient NEO population: asteroids, comets… or none of the above? leva, Simone et al.
B1.1-0011-24 16:00 Characterizing the Long-Term Dynamical Evolution of Binary Asteroid Systems. Cueva, Rachel et al.
B1.1-0012-24 16:15 Characteristics of orbits of near-Earth asteroids. Yoshikawa, Makoto
B1.1-0013-24 17:00 (solicited) The ESA Hera mission to the near-Earth asteroid binary (65803) Didymos: documentation of the NASA DART impact and investigation of the physical and dynamical properties of the binary system. Michel, Patrick et al. Hera Team
B1.1-0014-24 17:30 Radar tomography of asteroid deep interior. JuRa / HERA to Didymos and Ra proposed to APOPHIS. Herique, Alain et al. The JuRa Team, The DROID Team and The RAMSES Team
B1.1-0015-24 17:45 Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety (RAMSES): ESA’s mission study of an Apophis rendezvous during its close encounter with Earth in 2029. Martino, Paolo et al.
B1.1-0016-24 18:00 THE OSIRIS-APEX MISSION TO APOPHIS. Polit, Anjani et al., APEX team
B1.1-0017-24 18:15 Potential Future Missions for NASA’s Janus Spacecraft. Scheeres, Daniel et al., Janus mission science and development team

B5.3 Ocean Worlds: Past, Present, and Future
Main Organizer: Cable, Morgan Deputy: Solomonidou, Anezina

B5.3-0004-24 16:00 CALICO – a Mission Proposal to Explore Ceres In Situ. Schroeder, Stefan et al, CALICO Consortium

PE.2 Current Trends, Initiatives And Research In Education And Outreach For Space Sciences
Main Organizer: Rojas, Gustavo Deputy: Benitez Herrera, Sandra

PE.2-0006-24 12:00 Give me a home among the asteroids. Heary, Auriol
PE.2-0007-24 15:00 Space Exploration Outreach Activities for Space Situational Awareness (SSA). Lee, Regina et al.

B1.1 Small Body Science in a New Generation of Surveys, Observatories, Sample Returns, and Planetary Defense
Main Organizer: Milam, Stefanie Deputy: Palomba, Ernesto

B1.1-0018-24 09:00 An Update on Planetary Defense Efforts in the United States. Landis, Rob et al.
B1.1-0019-24 09:15 (solicited) The Near-Earth Object Surveyor Mission: Finding Asteroids & Comets Before They Find Us. Mainzer, Amy, Near-Earth Object Surveyor Science Team
B1.1-0020-24 09:45 (solicited) Latest Research Progress of Chinese Planetary Defense. Li, Mingtao
B1.1-0021-24 10:15 Current Status of Hayabusa2 Extended Mission. Mimasu, Yuya et al.
B1.1-0022-24 11:00 Characterization of fast moving Potential Hazardous Asteroids. Silha, Jiri et al.
B1.1-0023-24 11:30 Joint Optical-Radar Contributions for the Detection of Near-Earth Asteroids from the Southern Hemisphere. Kruzins, Ed et al.
B1.1-0024-24 11:50 Improving YORP Effect Estimates for Small Bodies with Surface Data. Baker, Dahlia et al.
B1.1-0025-24 12:10 The TRANSient NEO population: asteroids, comets… or none of the above? leva, Simone et al.

PB.1 Scientific Ballooning: Recent Developments in Technology and Instrumentation
Main Organizer: Fuke, Hideyuki Deputy: Dubourg, Vincent

PSB.1-0016-24 9:20 Free Flight Test Of A Hayabusa-Type Sample Return Capsule Using A Scientific Balloon In JAXA’S Australian Balloon Campaign In 2023. Ono, Ryosuke, SRC team

B0.1 Planetary Science Highlights
Main Organizer: Grande, Manuel Deputy: Cable, Morgan

TWT-032 B0.1-0010-24 Probabilities of collisions of bodies ejected from the Earth with the terrestrial planets and the Moon. Ipatov, Sergei I.
TWT-033 B0.1-0011-24 BIRDY – Planetary Geodesy of Small Bodies for Exploration or Reconnaissance. Hestroffer, Daniel et al.

BO.2 Instrumentation for Planetary Exploration
Main Organizer: Dirri, Fabrizio Deputy: Shanmugam, M.

TWT-036 B0.2-0027-24 M-SAND: an innovative microbalance device for dust an volatile characterization for in-situ planetary exploration. Gisellu, Chiara et al.

B0.3 Technology for Planetary Exploration
Main Organizer: Longobardo, Andrea Deputy: Smith, Heather

TWT-045 B0.3-0025-24 Research on basic technology of planetary exploration scientific mission data utilization and management for On-Orbit Servicing mission design. Jang, Yoon-Jeong

B1.1 Small Body Science in a New Generation of Surveys, Observatories, Sample Returns, and Planetary Defense
Main Organizer: Milam, Stefanie Deputy: Palomba, Ernesto

B1.1-0026-24 09:00 (solicited) LUMIO: A CubeSat Mission to Detect Meteoroid Impacts on the Lunar Farside. Topputo, Francesco et al, LUMIO Team
B1.1-0027-24 09:30 Meteoroid Flux Measurement from the Earth to Cis-lunar Space by the EQUULEUS/CLOTH Detectors. Yano, Hajime et al.
B1.1-0029-24 10:05 Co-orbital Dynamical Pathways of Lunar Ejecta. Castro-Cisneros, Jose Daniel et al.
B1.1-0030-24 11:00 (solicited) Martian Moons eXploration MMX rescheduled for launch in 2026. Miyamoto, Hirdy et al.
B1.1-0031-24 11:30 (solicited) MMX Rover IDEFIX, ready for in-situ exploration of Phobos. Ulamec, Stephan et al.
81.1-0032-24 12:00 Modeling the possible magnetic properties of the MM Phobos sample. Rosenblatt, Pascal et al.
B1.1-0033-24 12:15 The Comet Interceptor mission. Vincent, Jean-Baptiste et al.
B1.1-0034-24 15:00 (solicited) DESTINY+ asteroid flyby of Geminids parent Phaethon. Arai, Tomoko et al., DESTINY+ Team
B1.1-0035-24 15:30 Expected Scientific Contributions of the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission to Connect the Local Interstellar Medium to the Solar System. Horanyi, Mihaly et al.
B1.1-0036-24 15:45 Science Overview of the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt. Almazmi, Hoor et al.
B1.1-0038-24 16:15 Dust, Field and Plasma( DFP) instrument onboard Comet Interceptor ESA mission as the tool for diagnostics of the comet and their environment. Rothkaehl, Hanna et al.

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