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Note, Paper: More Lucy, reprise

Quickly: Space Science Reviews has a Lucy paper, a Lucy mission science procedure paper:

Olkin, C. Vincent, M. Adam, C. et al. Mission Design and Concept of Operations for the Lucy Mission vol. 220 art. 47 s11214-024-01082-1

Interesting, except it’s a bit redundant:

Olkin, C. Levison, H. F. Vincent, M. et al. 2021 Lucy Mission to the Trojan Asteroids: Instrumentation and Encounter Concept of Operations Planetary Science Journal vol. 2 #5 art. 172 10.3847psj/abf83f

I suppose a good researcher should read both to be sure, but why do they both exist in the first place. The second one describes flyby sequences, but still uses one placeholder asteroid, for a placeholder flyby event. I suspect there will be yet a third paper, before the mission actually flies by a target at 5 AU. And yes, I realize this sounds like fanboy entitlement- complaining about what I’m getting not really being what I expected getting.

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