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Home » IAUGA 2024- Cape Town

IAUGA 2024- Cape Town

The IAU General Assembly is the big meeting. THE meeting. This year, it’s in Cape Town, South Africa. Something as big as “Astronomical Union” might deserve better than a blog post, but here’s one post, to start off with. It’s not too late- it’s still possible to register (including for virtual-con), though of course they will ‘tax’ you for your poor planning- the late registration fee is palpably higher.

Something this big has to be taken in by subfield, and even then one might need to pick and choose. Here is the small-body program cull I’ve seen so far (program not finalized yet).

General Program

Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science

Friday 9th
10.30 – 12.00 Session 1 – Division B
10.35 – 10.55 PhD winner 2022 talk: Joachim Moeyens, “The Characterization and Discovery of Solar System Small Bodies in Modern Astronomical Surveys”

Monday 12th
13.30 – 15.00 Session 4 — Future Instruments II
14.50 – 15.10 Rubin’s LSST as a large-scale time-domain photometric survey (Zeljko Ivezic, Dpt o Astron, Uni o Washington)

Division F Days : Planetary Systems and Astrobiology

Day 1 August 9th
10:30-10:40 Maria A. Barucci: Introduction and status of Div. F
11:30-11:40 Irina Belskaya: Commission F4 report (remote)
11:40-12:00 Patrick Michel: Recent results of NEO space missions and perspectives (Invited, remote)
13:50-14:10 Shogo Tachibana: Evolution of Carbonaceous Asteroids as a Factory of Prebiotic Molecule (Invited)

Day 2: August 12th
13:50-14:00 Julio Fernández:The depletion of the asteroid belt and the impact history of the terrestrial planets
14:00-14:10 Sonia Fornasier: Ice on comets: Lessons learned from the Rosetta mission
14:20-14:30 Steven R. Chesley: Orbital and physical characterization of asteroid Dimorphos following the DART impact
14:30-14:40 Youngmin JeongAhn: Korea’s Pre-Earth Encounter Fly-by Mission to Apophis
14:40-14:50 Gulchehra Kokhirova A family o asteroids wi comets-like orbits associated wi thDELTA-CANCRIDS metrd stream
16:50-16:00 Jack Connerly: Dust in the solar system measured by the Juno spacecraft en route to Jupiter
16:30-16:40 Jack J. Lissauer: Commission F2 report (remote)

Poster sessions:

August 9th 10:00-10:30: Astrobiology & Exoplanets
15:00 – 15:30 Conaire Deagan: High Precision Astrometry: Not just for exoplanets!

August 12th 10:00-10:30: Small bodies & Planetary system
Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo: Lightcurves and colors of 11 small Near-Earth Asteroids
Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo: The Vatican Observation Meteor Research Program (VOMRP)
Anatoliy Kazantsev: A possible mechanism for the origin of the dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt
Llelani Coetzer: Investigating Links between Mechanical Properties, Petrography, and Geochemistry of Meteoritic Materials to Comment on the Early Breakup of Meteoritic Materials on Atmospheric Entry
Zhijian Xu: Observation, Behavior and Origin Tracing of Fireballs by PMO-SU Fireball Network


Side Meeting: Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of James Webb Space Telescope

Topic 2: Solar System Science and Planets Formation
The planets of the Solar System – including their moons.
Small bodies of Solar System (comets, KBOs, rings, asteroids, meteorites, and dust)
Circumplanetary systems and evolution of the Protoplanetary Disk

Topic 3: Education and Outreach in Planetary Science
Training for formal and informal educators, science content advisors
Citizen Science projects (Planet Hunters, Globe at Night and Dark Skies …)
Occultations, detection of moving objects, and exoplanets transit by amateurs

Invited Speakers
Leigh Fletcher
Bin Yang
Geronimo Villanueva


Side Meeting: Follow-up Observations of Small Bodies in the Solar System in the Era of Large Discovery Surveys

6 Aug
Elisabetta Dotto Fast-reaction follow-up and global networks of telescopes (invited)
Myung-Jin Kim NSOS-α: The First Korean Asteroid Survey Telescope (invited) In person
Federica Spoto Minor Planet Center: preparing for the increased flux of discoveries expected from LSST (invited)
Milagros Colazo Large photometrc database an applicatn to asteroid data fro multiple space- an ground-based surveys (invited)

8 Aug
Zeljko Ivezic Rubin’s LSST: opportunities for small-body science from a large-scale Solar System survey (invited)
Andrew Rivkin The Surprising Spectral Diversity of Low-Albedo Asteroids
Xavier Inosencio Characterization of analogous objects to Earth’s mini-moons: the case of 1990 UQ and 2022 NX1
Marco Micheli Observational activities and results of ESA’s Planetary Defence Office
Javier Licandro Enhancing LSST Solar System Discoveries: The Critical Role of 10-m Class Telescope Follow-ups (invited)
Noemi Pinilla-Alonso Dawning of a New Era: Understanding Ices in the Solar System with the JamsWebbSpcTelscp (invited)
Shinji Horiuchi Southern Hemisphere Asteroid Radar Program (SHARP)
Henry Hsieh Rapid detection and characterization of active small solar system bodies in the LSST era (invited)
Gonzalo Tancredi Transitional objects among asteroids and comets monitored through archival images from large surveys TBC
Ian Wong Follow-up studies of active solar system objects in the LSST era

Susanne Pfalzner A stellar flyby explains multiple small-body properties in the solar system
Sofiia Mykhailova Spectroscopy of primitive asteroids with the Southern African Large Telescope
Dagmara Oszkiewicz Follow-up observations of basaltic asteroids observed by the Gaia mission
Іван (Ivan) Слюсарев (Slyusarev) A contemporary view on M-type asteroids


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