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Note, Paper: Yesterday’s A & A

Can’t close out 2023 without the December Astronomy & Astrophysics– A good one:

Bemporad, A. Pennella, S. Battams, K. et al. Analysis of the first multi-band observations… vol. 680, A90
Vaubaillon, J. Ye, Q.-Z. Egal, A. et al. A new meteor shower from comet 46P/Wirtanen… vol. 680, L10
Yuan, Y. Li, F. Fu, Y. Reconciling results of 2019 and 2020 stellar occultations on Pluto’s … vol 680, A9
Delbo, M. Avdellidou, C. Walsh, K. J. Gaia view of primitive inner-belt asteroid families… vol 680, A10
Carry, B. Descamps, P. Ferrais, M.Close-to-fission dumbbell Jupiter-Trojan (17365) …  vol 680 A21
Perlbarg, A.-C Desmars, J. Robert, V. NAROO Program – Old observations combined to …vol 680 A41
Dziadura, K. Oszkiewicz, D. Spoto, F. et al. The Yarkovsky effect and bulk density of ne-… vol. 680 A77
Gaia Collaboration, David, P. Mignard, F. et al. Gaia Focused Product Release: Asteroid… vol. 680 A37
Le Montagner, R. Peloton, J. Carry, B. et al. Enabling discoveries of Solar System objects… vol 680 A17

The U.S. may have the search telescopes, but the Europeans have the reduced data… and the Gaia search telescope.


2 thoughts on “Note, Paper: Yesterday’s A & A”

  1. Pingback: Note, paper: look back at Jan - Asteroid Blog, c Phlo...

  2. Pingback: Note, Paper: Euro-Yarko - Asteroid Blog, c Phlo...

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