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Just a brief status update. Lots of things happening, like two meetings: the biennial AbSciCon (Astrobiology Science Conference) in Providence, RI as I write this. And starting: a conference on the NEO Surveyor mission, in San Diego (NOT Tucson!):

Science with NEO Surveyor, May 7-9, Catamaran Resort, San Diego, CA sponsored by University of Arizona

No shortage of papers, either. And can’t forget the end of the academic year… I just saw one school end their classes (technically) while it was still April. (They have a Reading Week, so it’s not like they had finals April 30, or even May 1.) Those of us not actually teaching still have to contend with institutional practices, including dis-practices, and colleagues being inconvenienced.

The sky will still be there, and so will we!

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