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Note, Paper: Adv Sp Res advancing on…

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It’s a special issue of Advances in Space Research vol. 73, #11, for 1 Jun:

Civardi, G. L. Bechini, M. Quirino, M. et al. Generation of fused visible and thermal-infrar… p. 5501 .03.022
Gaias, G. Lovera, M. Extended Kalman filters for close-range navigation to noncooperativ… p. 5521 .10.038
Capannolo, A. Zanotti, G. Lavagna, M. Formation flying orbits and GNC design in binary… p. 5714 .07.040
Brandonisio, A. Capra, L. Lavagna, M. Deep reinforcement learning spacecraft guidance… p. 5741 .07.007

That “special” is all flight dynamics/nav, all the way through. For the topic of asteroid rendezvous and further, the low gravity (down to micro-) takes the urgency off things. Yet, it’s not all wine and roses (or water and organics). Asteroids are still “noncooperative objects,” lacking aids like beacons, fiducials, and hardpoints. Fortunately, we have lots of crossover with the servicing people (“noncooperative” includes failed, yet recoverable, spacecraft) and the black world (where “NCO” is code for Chinese satellite, Iranian satellite, etc.) Lots of money and mindshare, that world.

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