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New Note: Planetary Research

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There’s (about to be) a new journal in the Solar System Science domain: Planetary Research. And it’s quite an intriguing lede. According to organizers, they can hold their costs down, and run an open title, without even authors’ fees. Have a look:

Planetary Research is a diamond open access journal that is being developed by the planetary science community. The journal will have no article processing fees for authors and all articles will be free to access without a subscription. The journal, run as part of a nonprofit organization, will operate with a transparent governance and will promote the work it publishes to the scientific community and the general public alike. Manuscript submissions are expected to open in January 2026.
The journal seeks candidates for the editorial board, including the editor-in-chief, editors, and associate editors. Interested candidates should provide a CV, a publication list, and a short letter motivating their interest in the position to the chair of the search committee (mark.wieczorek before July 1, 2025. Additional information about the journal and the open positions can be found on our website:


I wish them luck. Oh, and planets being planets, they will cover extrasolar systems too.

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