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Home » Note, paper: …to look back at Jan

Note, paper: …to look back at Jan

Unlike last month, the January Astronomy and Astrophysics (vol. 681) is a little light:

de la Fuente Marcos, R. de la Fuente Marcos, C. When the horseshoe fits: Characterizing 2023 FY3… A4 10.1051/0004-6361/202347663
Vokrouhlický, D. Nesvorný, D. Brož, M. Debiased population of very young asteroid families A23 10.1051/0004-6361/202347670

As mentioned previously, the field of dynamical (essentially computational) astronomy is advancing at a pace like microprocessors, due to… microprocessors!

1 thought on “Note, paper: …to look back at Jan”

  1. Pingback: Note, Paper: Euro-Yarko - Asteroid Blog, c Phlo...

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