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Home » Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 3)

Goldschmidt Conf. 2024 (Pt. 3)

No, I haven’t forgotten. When a conference runs to Friday afternoons, Friday afternoon becomes… Friday afternoon, as you may be well aware. Some meetings don’t even bother putting anything serious then.

But the Goldschmidt conference does, at least, in 2024:

Session  1fO1 – Tracing Solar System Evolution: From Dust to Core Formation
Origin and preservation of organosulfurs and sulfates in Ryugu , Maitrayee Bose
“molecules and a large sulfate grain with a coating of methionine (CH3-SH) in situ in two Ryugu part…”

Isotopic evidence for the origin and evolution of complex organics in the early solar system , Amy E Hofmann
“This implies a two-stage history of prebiotic synthesis in the early solar system”

Isotopes in the outer solar system as tracers of volatile origin and evolution , Kathleen Mandt

Dating metal segregation in asteroids using short-lived 60Fe , Marc Chaussidon

Ge isotope variations constrain the origin of volatile element depletions among meteorites , Thorsten Kleine

Session  9dO2 – Organic geochemistry from ancient molecules to exoplanets
Solar UV synthesis of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds from N2O and CO , Xiaofeng Zang
“irradiation to N2O and CO atmosphere provided not only amino acids formation, but also heterocyclic”

Session  1fO2 – Tracing Solar System Evolution: From Dust to Core Formation
Volatile depletion in planetary bodies: Insights from K and Rb isotopes , Nicole X. Nie
“carbonaceous chondrites (CCs), as well as Earth, Moon, Mars, and Vesta all exhibit varying degrees of”

Fe and Ni isotope anomalies in components of carbonaceous chondrites , Shengyu Tian
“initial results point towards a component-controlled origin of the Fe and Ni isotopic variations”

Revisiting martensite formation and its consequences in iron meteorites , Raphaele Danoix
“They represent the only natural samples of planetary core forming materials.”

Modeling the 3D transport of small solids around a Jovian embryo , Eric Van Clepper
“allowing us to identify the history and trajectories of individual solids in the disk to examine the details”

16O-Rich Silicate Minerals in Antarctic Micrometeorites , Ronica C. Sims
“the first formed silicate solids in the early solar system history are well-preserved in”

Session  5aO2 – Advances in Hydrothermal Fluid Geochemistry: Session in honor of Terry Seward
Pseudomorphs and silicification of brucite during serpentinization , Mr. Julien Fort, PhD
“major unknowns in the physicochemical processes transforming a fresh and anhydrous peridotite”

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Geochemistry: not for Wikipedia/YouTube noobs. But for those willing to drink deep from the Pieran spring, we find the history of the Earth, the history of the Solar System…the history of our very existence.

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