Normally, I might not bother with the big AAS meeting- there’s a separate DPS meeting (last Autumn) for Planetary Sciences, and why wade through cosmology, obscure neon lines, etc.? But this year, there’s some material, and of course, a telescope is pretty much a telescope- very few telescopes care what they’re pointing at. Some highlights from the New Orleans AAS243:
Tucker, D. L. et al. A tutorial set to prepare for science with Rubin Observatory 201.09
Jones, M. Modeling Asteroids and Using Microwave Telescope Data to Constrain Thermo… 340.07
Jedicke, R. et al. The steady-state population of Earth’s minimoons of lunar provenance 363.03
Knight, M. et al. Investigating comet dust properties using extreme forward-scattering… 363.08
Also, interesting stuff involving balloon astronomy, the PRIMA proposal, and other infrared lines of investigation of use to mineralogy and general small-body studies.