On disruption and ~disruption
Definition -1997 Clayton Christensen, The Innovator's Dilemma ISBN 9780875845852
Goto case: Kodak and the Digital Revolution -2004 Harvard Business Review, Gavetti, G., Henderson, R., Giorgi, S.
(also known as Bass curve, sigmoid curve)
Diffusion of Innovations -1962 Everett M. Rogers ISBN 9780598411044
The Pace of Technology Adoption is Speeding Up -2013 Harvard Business Review, Rita Gunther McGrath
The Myths of Disruption -2017, Forbes
The Myth of Destructive Digital Disruption “But the data does not check out. There is simply not a wave of destruction going on”
Gartner Hype Cycle "a graphic representation of the maturity and adoption of technologies and applications, and how they are potentially relevant"
Moore's Law
Moore’s 1965 article -Electronics magazine
The term "Moore's law" was actually coined after the fact by Carver Mead- and other electronics experts had made similar predictions
...but: Rock's Law -the cost of a chip fab ("semiconductor production facility") also rises sharply
Optics (including IR, RF, and power)
Molded aspheres: the first step -Laser Focus World
Freeform optics: beyond aspheric -Optical Society of America
Butter's Law and Keck's Law -Moore's Law corollaries for fiber optic transmission
Haitz's Law -the Moore's Law of LEDs
Swanson's Law -scale factor for photovoltaic adoption
Micro space (ISBN 9780964824201), Micro-space, Micro-space, Microspace, etc., though not micro.space, and not really Microspace- because Tsiolkovsky’s Law is binding in all relevant jurisdictions
The Cycle
Augustine's Laws -1983 Norman R. Augustine ISBN 9781563472404
Stepping Stones: Economic Analysis of Space Transportation Supplied from NEO Resources -Sercel, Joel PhD., Oct 15, 2017 -see Sec. 3.2 Problem
Electric Propulsion
Two Satellite Revolutions -Roger Rusch, Space News, August 1, 2012 "All-electric satellites double satellite capability or cut launch costs in half. This breakthrough caught many off guard in spite of a 50-year development"
All Electric Satellites: Revolution or Evolution? -Carol Patton, Via Satellite, May 2013
The Rise of the Electric Age for Satellite Propulsion -Lev, D., Emsellem, G., and Hallock, A. New Space, Mar 2017 Vol 5, #1 10.1089/space.2016.0020
Electric thrusters promise space revolution -Tim Robinson, RAS, 27 November 2018
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